01138 Area Code Information
Leeds Telephone Number Information
There are 10 schools covered by the Leeds Area Code 01138.
Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School
's phone number is 01138879690.
Why not view Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Kirkstall Valley Primary School
's phone number is 01138878982.
Why not view Kirkstall Valley Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School
's phone number is 01138873240.
Why not view Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School's Ofsted report? -
The New Bewerley Community Primary School
's phone number is 01138878718.
Why not view The New Bewerley Community Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Blackgates Primary School
's phone number is 01138878155.
Why not view Blackgates Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Fountain Primary School
's phone number is 01138878235.
Why not view Fountain Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Woodkirk Academy
's phone number is 01138873600.
Why not view Woodkirk Academy's Ofsted report? -
Lane End Primary School
's phone number is 01138313449.
Why not view Lane End Primary School's Ofsted report? -
John Smeaton Academy
's phone number is 01138313900.
Why not view John Smeaton Academy's Ofsted report? -
Khalsa Science Academy
's phone number is 01138873680.
Why not view Khalsa Science Academy's Ofsted report?