01159 Area Code Information
Nottingham Telephone Number Information
There are 271 schools covered by the Nottingham Area Code 01159. A sample of 20 have been included;
Brackenfield Special School
's phone number is 01159733710.
Why not view Brackenfield Special School's Ofsted report? -
Bennerley Fields Specialist Speech and Language College
's phone number is 01159326374.
Why not view Bennerley Fields Specialist Speech and Language College's Ofsted report? -
Stanton Vale School
's phone number is 01159729769.
Why not view Stanton Vale School's Ofsted report? -
Denewood Learning Centre
's phone number is 01159151271.
Why not view Denewood Learning Centre's Ofsted report? -
Bentinck Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159151567.
Why not view Bentinck Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Cantrell Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159155770.
Why not view Cantrell Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Carrington Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159156825.
Why not view Carrington Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Dunkirk Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159153273.
Why not view Dunkirk Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Melbury Primary School
's phone number is 01159155787.
Why not view Melbury Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Middleton Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159153261.
Why not view Middleton Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159155765.
Why not view Robert Shaw Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Heathfield Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159155725.
Why not view Heathfield Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
William Booth Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159155821.
Why not view William Booth Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Walter Halls Primary and Early Years School
's phone number is 01159537200.
Why not view Walter Halls Primary and Early Years School's Ofsted report? -
Southwold Primary School and Early Years' Centre
's phone number is 01159155756.
Why not view Southwold Primary School and Early Years' Centre's Ofsted report? -
Rise Park Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159153775.
Why not view Rise Park Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Crabtree Farm Primary School
's phone number is 01159155737.
Why not view Crabtree Farm Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Scotholme Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 01159781968.
Why not view Scotholme Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Welbeck Primary School
's phone number is 01159153890.
Why not view Welbeck Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Mellers Primary School
's phone number is 01159151796.
Why not view Mellers Primary School's Ofsted report?