02392 Area Code Information
Portsmouth Telephone Number Information
There are 154 schools covered by the Portsmouth Area Code 02392. A sample of 20 have been included;
Kingscourt School
's phone number is 02392593251.
Why not view Kingscourt School's Ofsted report? -
Mill Hill Primary School
's phone number is 02392256955.
Why not view Mill Hill Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Sharps Copse Primary and Nursery School
's phone number is 02392484545.
Why not view Sharps Copse Primary and Nursery School's Ofsted report? -
Prospect School
's phone number is 02392485140.
Why not view Prospect School's Ofsted report? -
The Key Education Centre
's phone number is 02392528653.
Why not view The Key Education Centre's Ofsted report? -
Hillcrest Jubilee School
's phone number is 02392250963.
Why not view Hillcrest Jubilee School's Ofsted report? -
The Harbour School
's phone number is 02392665664.
Why not view The Harbour School's Ofsted report? -
Woodcroft Primary
's phone number is 02392593939.
Why not view Woodcroft Primary's Ofsted report? -
Ark Charter Academy
's phone number is 02392824204.
Why not view Ark Charter Academy's Ofsted report? -
Barncroft Primary School
's phone number is 02392482331.
Why not view Barncroft Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Havant Academy
's phone number is 02392473031.
Why not view Havant Academy's Ofsted report? -
Oaklands Catholic School
's phone number is 02392259214.
Why not view Oaklands Catholic School's Ofsted report? -
Bay House School
's phone number is 02392587931.
Why not view Bay House School's Ofsted report? -
The Cowplain School
's phone number is 02392612020.
Why not view The Cowplain School's Ofsted report? -
Beacon View Primary Academy
's phone number is 02392375302.
Why not view Beacon View Primary Academy's Ofsted report? -
Front Lawn Primary Academy
's phone number is 02392475904.
Why not view Front Lawn Primary Academy's Ofsted report? -
Lyndhurst Junior School
's phone number is 02392663645.
Why not view Lyndhurst Junior School's Ofsted report? -
The Victory Primary School
's phone number is 02392001160.
Why not view The Victory Primary School's Ofsted report? -
Ark Ayrton Primary Academy
's phone number is 02392824828.
Why not view Ark Ayrton Primary Academy's Ofsted report? -
Portsmouth Academy for Girls
's phone number is 02392812822.
Why not view Portsmouth Academy for Girls's Ofsted report?